
Category: Social Security

Can a non-worker collect Social Security benefits?

If you’ve never worked, you might worry that you aren’t eligible for Social Security benefits. However, if your spouse is eligible to receive Social Security benefits, have no fear! You can receive payments through the Social Security spousal benefit. In fact, you can collect up to 50 percent of your spouse’s Social Security benefits.

So, how can you do this? You must meet both of these requirements.

  • You must be at least 62 (the amount is reduced if benefits start prior to full retirement age)
  • Your spouse must have filed for benefits

Will this decrease your spouse’s payments? Not at all. It’s a win-win situation.

And when you take into consideration the full value of your spouse’s payments plus your own, it might make more sense for your spouse to file for benefits sooner rather than later. But because the decision on when to file for Social Security benefits depends on many factors, it’s important to contact a financial advisor to determine the best option for you.

For full details on the spousal benefit, including how to apply and what your options are, click here to visit the Social Security Administration’s website.

Essence Healthcare